I’d like you to meet Chris. Surname Jonas. Christopher if you would like to be formal.
Chris (you seem like a good person, let’s be informal) is an artist. He works mostly with pen and ink and acrylic paint, but he also dabbles in ceramic sculpture, oil painting, and print making.
He has some formal schooling. A bachelors of fine art from Sacramento State, an Accoiates of art from Sierra Collage, ect, ect(actually there is no ect, that is the end of the list).
While school was good for him and he enjoyed his time there, he prefers a less structured environment, where his art can wonder freely. Unstructured with no deadlines.
Chris is inspired by the art work of tattooing, Japanese block prints, World War I and II propaganda, surrealism, comic books, German Expressionism, anime, California Funk art,and Bob Ross.
He can currently be found wondering around the foothills of the Sierra Nevada Mountains. Even though he was born there, he is quite often lost and hungry. Please feed if found.
Donuts and Tacos are preferred.